God of Abraham.

The Pagan world

I want to explain the Pagan world and the Christian world.

I have to tell you how this works so that no one deceives you.

Christianity came from the Pagan world; in the Pagan world all the souls of mankind was subjected to damnation (God said all have sinned meaning fallen)But God took Abraham from a Pagan world and made him a new creation from which we have the Jewish people and from the Jewish people came Jesus Christ and from Jesus Christ we have the Church age.

In the Church age Jesus Christ wants to take all the Pagan religions and people into one nation called Christianity to live in the presence of God away from darkness and all the evil fallen angels.

Paganism is spiritually all over the spiritual side of the Universe, but after the work of the Cross when the spiritual side of the Universe was rearranged, paganism is now outside the realm of Eternity. and the kingdom of God is a realm all by itself in the spiritual side of the Universe.

The spiritual side of the Universe is very different from the physical side of the universe.

Some day the physical side of the Universe will be destroyed according to The Bible, 2 Peter 3:7 the book of Revelation reveals that there is also judgements coming on the spiritual side and the physical side of the Universe.

I like to keep my writing short.

For us to understand all of this the Spirit of God have to live in us and (The Holy Spirit) and He will teach us about what happened at the work of the Cross and the future of the Universe and the eternal age to come.

The Holy spirit is revealing to us what will happen to humanity who refused to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, many religions believe they have the answers to life now and the afterlife but they are wrong with no spiritual proof that they are God and the creator of the Universe.

Every religion that claims to be the real deal have to show spiritual proof that they are the God of this universe. But they cannot because they are created spirits playing gods and goddess. 

Note: Christianity was in God’s mind Long before the Earth and the physical side of the Universe.

In the Pagan world People are making spiritual covenants with Demons, Evil spirit, fallen angels but they do not know this.

n the Pagan world people thinks that religions will take them to God, but instead they are worshiping gods and goddess spirits not the true God of Creation.

In the Pagan world people are worshiping Idols and spirits that cannot help them to find life and paradise.

I was in religions that I did not ever Heard of on till God revealed what my forefathers and foremothers was worshiping and how they had made evil or Satanic covenants with these spirits that kept me in spiritual bondages, but after I renounced that religion God destroyed that spirit that was keeping me in darkness.

This is only one example but there are more that 40 different types of spirits that God had to delivered me form so that I can tell you that the work of the Cross is powerful and it can set people free from darkness to see God the one and only Creator of Heaven and Earth.
